- S1 Career and life development lessons
- S2 Career and life development lessons
- Self-directed Search Career Interest Assessment
- Sim Journey for learning making wise decision
- Talk on subject choices
- Prepare NSS workshop
- Group and individual careers counselling
- Parents’ talk
- Workplace visit and experience
- S4 career and life development lessons
- Visits to workplaces and training
- Summer Internship Scheme
- Visits to tertiary institutes
- Interview training workshop
- JUPAS Preparation
- Career and Life Mentorship Scheme
- S6 group and individual careers counselling
- Workshop on JUPAS application and strategies for making subject choices
- Multi-pathway morning assembly
- JUPAS school principal’s recommendation
- Preparing testimonials for graduates
- Degree and sub-degree programmes’ introduction
- Introduction to industries
- S6 Mock DSE results release and interview workshop
- Joint school interview workshop
- A talk on multiple pathways after the release of DSE results
- S6 career and life planning website
- HKDSE results release counselling
- Resource school for the CLAP@JC Hong Kong Benchmarks for Career and Life Development
- Career prefect team
- Recommending students to join work experience schemes
- Career and life planning room
- Career week
- Joint School Career and Life Planning Activities