- Surpassing Oneself, Achieving Excellence.

It is an engrossing story that never ends…

Thirty years ago, there was a baby born to the family of Baker in the countryside. With God’s unfathomable love and inconceivable grace, the little baby has grown into a promising young baker, showing humble spirituality of learning for every possible improvement, collective wisdom from his predecessors, and empathy for those who are in need of help.

Each day, he wakes up early in the morning and enters his hot bakery with the passion to make an array of beautifully shaped loaves. For all the seeming drudgery done day by day, he thinks that mixing the ingredients, shaping the dough and making something beautiful out of it that tastes good is magic. He finds fun in interpreting the dough during baking and transforming it into an exquisite loaf of bread. When his ‘fans’ come, he is often amazed at their faces beaming with delight and appreciation. Obviously, it is not only the great sense of pride he gains from his fans’ satisfaction, but also the trust and service he enjoys every day that makes him never get tired of baking.

Musing on the prospect of baking for a living, he believes that every career has its own holy vocation. Working from dawn to dusk is no problem, but being able to make good loaves for people and feed the needy is a great joy and honour. Despite all kinds of challenges such as soaring inflation, meagre income, keen competition, endemic hazards, stormy weather or even impending disasters, his commitment to baking always persists and still grows. Without doubt, baking has no longer been a task to be done, but a life mission to be accomplished. In fact, what he does actually reflects what he affirms - For where your treasure is, there your heart will be.

Three decades of perseverance in his life has been full of ups and downs, forming an adventurous journey in which triumphs and failures, praises and complaints, laughter and tears, honour and disgrace, all together keep him vibrant to render thanks unto God for His many blessings in disguise and friends for their unwavering support. Being inspired by God’s unfailing promises and thrilling companionship, he endeavours to continue baking, an act of thanksgiving for God and a gift of love for his neighbours.

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Fax: 24799150
Address: 10 Fung Yau Street South, Yuen Long, NT
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